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Controlling Eye-Pressure: Keeping An Eye On Glaucoma Risks

The first sign of glaucoma may not be vision loss but could be an increase in your eye-pressure. This is measured by an optometrist with a simple test, that doesn't' hurt, and early intervention may preserve vision longer in many patients. Eye-pressure is a lot like blood pressure; a high reading is reason to be concerned and could be indicative of glaucoma.

Some things to know about eye-pressure and Glaucoma include the following:

Testing for glaucoma is simple.

The test for glaucoma is nothing more than a meter that is held up to the eyeball, so that the provider can read the pressure of your eye. It is very quick and not especially uncomfortable; anyone with a family history of high-blood pressure, diabetes, or glaucoma should request eye-pressure readings when visiting their optometrist and eye care provider for routine exams.

Eye-pressure resembles blood pressure.

Eye-pressure is similar to blood pressure in many ways; if you have a tendency to have high blood pressure, you may be more likely to have high eye-pressure, too. Lower numbers when reading eye-pressure is better, and an average reading is typically in the teens.

Diet may help with vision decline.

Some individuals have reported a positive response and lower eye-pressure readings by switching to a plant-based diet. This can help to slow down the natural progression of the disease, as reported by some that have seen health benefits from this fairly restrictive lifestyle. You should always talk to your physician before making any drastic change in your diet.

Preventative treatments are available.

Once you have been diagnosed with glaucoma, you should focus on preventing any further damage by using drops as recommended by doctors and returning for periodic eye-pressure readings.

You cannot cure glaucoma.

There may not be a cure for glaucoma, but there are some ways to slow-down and prevent vision from declining to the point of partial or complete blindness. This may include medicinal cannabis, which can lower eye-pressure, or some surgical procedures. Your eye doctor may want you to return frequently after diagnosis to continue checking eye-pressure readings, and assess your response to different treatment options.

Early detection of glaucoma may help optometrists and providers intervene quickly and address high eye-pressure. Treatment may include eye drops or even medicinal cannabis. Talk with your eye care provider, one like White Rock Optometry Clinic, about testing eye pressure during your next appointment, particularly if you feel like your vision has shown some decline recently. 
