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Tips To Care For Your Eyes When The Weather Changes

As the weather changes, it can affect your entire body. You may notice your skin is dry, your hair is brittle and your eyes may become dry as well. Your eyes may also become itchy or watery if allergens are high on that day. Throughout the year, your eyes will change and your eye care should change as well. Read on for some tips to care for your eyes throughout the change in season.

Wear Sunglasses

Throughout fall and winter, there are going to be some weather changes that are going to affect your vision, such as wind in the fall with debris flying about, and bright sunlight reflecting off the snow in winter. Wearing sunglasses can protect your eyes from flying debris and can also protect your eyes from the brightness in winter. Look for sunglasses that protect against UV-A and UV-B light and that are dark enough to protect your eyes from glare and brightness. Make sure your sunglasses are large enough that they cover your face well, so that small particles don't get by and into your eyes.

Take Care Of Allergy Issues

If you have allergies, you need to care for your eyes properly to protect them against the itchiness or wateriness that may accompany your allergies. Make sure to discuss your allergy issues with your allergist or your eye doctor and use allergy eye drops with care. Discuss the use of these types of medications, even if they are over-the-counter with your physician or eye doctor. You may also need prescription allergy medication if an over-the-counter eye drop doesn't work for you.

Drink More Water

The dryness in winter and fall can cause your eyes to dry out, leaving you with itchy, dry eyes. Drinking more water during these months can help prevent this from happening to you. You should also consider using a humidifier to help prevent dry eyes and other dry eye issues. If you have dry eyes, talk to your eye doctor about what else you can do to treat this issue.

As the weather changes, you will notice changes in your body, including your eyes and your vision. Talk to your eye doctor about what else you can do to treat your vision concerns during these cold-weather months. If you are having any issues with your eyes, no matter the season or month, get to your eye doctor for an eye appointment and for treatment. For more information about what treatments an eye doctor might recommend, contact a local optometry office.
