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A Few Things To Know About Cataract Surgery

As you age, your vision will change significantly. First, you will notice that you will require glasses. Over time, you will then need bifocals and maybe trifocals. As a general rule, glasses can fix most of the vision issues that you experience. However, if you notice issues with cloudy vision, you may require surgery. Cloudy vision is a sign of cataracts, which is actually pretty common in the older population. While cataracts can indeed impact your quality of life, there are treatments for them. Here are a few things you should know about cataracts and surgical treatments for them.

Will You Need Surgical Intervention?

Cataracts can make it difficult to see clearly, and this is particularly true as they get worse. Cataracts will cause blurry vision, which makes it hard to see colors properly as well. Surgical intervention is the only way to correct cataracts, as there is no medication to eliminate the condition. However, surgery does not have to be performed immediately. Cataracts are often minor in the beginning, but they will usually get worse over time. When deciding whether to wait for surgery, you must determine whether you can see well enough to tackle your day-to-day activities.

How Long Will Recovery Take? What Should You Expect?

After you undergo cataract surgery, the recovery period will vary from several hours to a week or two. At first, you can expect your vision to still be a bit distorted or cloudy. However, it should clear up after about a month or so. Individuals who undergo cataract surgery may experience redness and dryness in their eyes, but prescription eye drops can help with this and aid in infection prevention. To speed up the overall recovery, you will want to take it easy and avoid any kind of irritants.

Are There Any Potential Complications?

While complications from this type of surgical procedure are indeed rare, they are indeed possible. Make sure to watch for any signs of redness or feelings of pain in the eye that may be indicative of an infection. Swelling or inflammation, as well as bleeding, could occur, so make sure to keep an eye out for these signs, along with any vision issues like sensitivity to light or halos. If you have any complications, speak to your doctor immediately.

If you would like to learn more about cataracts surgery, contact your eye doctor to schedule an appointment for an examination and consultation, or reach out to a local clinic that offers this service, like Sabates Eye Centers.
